Getting Started

Welcome to oleander! We provide a simple way to track lineage metadata using OpenLineage. The easiest way to get started is to use a cURL command to send a POST request to our ingestion endpoint. Note, replace [OLEANDER-API-KEY] below with your API key.

curl -X POST \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer [OLEANDER-API-KEY]' \
  -d '{
    "eventType": "START",
    "eventTime": "2024-12-25T05:45:18.249Z",
    "run": {
      "runId": "e05c7916-6cbb-470e-b13b-25af0a757eac"
    "job": {
      "namespace": "my-namespace",
      "name": "my-job"
    "inputs": [{
      "namespace": "my-namespace",
      "name": "my-input"
    "producer": "",
    "schemaURL": ""

Next Steps

You could continue to manually construct and send OpenLineage events to our ingestion endpoint, but we recommend using the client libraries or integrations for OpenLineage. View the Python client, Java client and various integrations to see if there is one that fits your needs. If not, we would love to hear from you and even help you build one!

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